Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Topical Discussion Board Three

Discussion Board Three

Q In the following discussion board, please address the following directives and questions: 1. Post a copy of your chosen printed magazine advertisement for use in your second essay. Remember to choose an ad provided on the "? Printed Magazine Advertisements" page. You should download your chosen ad and then either embed the image into your initial post or attach it to your initial post. 2. Explain what drew you to the advertisement. In other words, why did you choose this advertisement? 3. Do you think you are a part of the advertisement's target audience? Explain why or why not. 4. What emotion do you think the advertisement is trying to evoke in its targeted audience? You may change your mind as you brainstorm, but please indicate your initial thought. 5. Finally, note your initial thoughts about this assignment by answering each of the following questions: Does it seem interesting, and why or why not? Do any parts of the assignment seem confusing; if yes, please specify? Do you feel confident as you move forward; if not, please indicate why? Instructions for posting: Be sure to create a new thread when you post your original response with your name in it. When replying to other posts, please post on their original thread. (NOTE: A "thread" is a new "post." To post on the same "thread," click "reply" on another student's post.) When writing your initial post, be sure to write in complete sentences and to number your responses (re: the five directives listed above). You also need to use complete sentences when providing your two responses; these responses should be substantive and well-developed, considering both the target audience and noted emotion. You will be graded on the writing itself, as well as on answering all required areas of the post. See the grading rubric posted below for further details. Due Dates: There are two required parts to this activity: 1. Your initial post. Due Tuesday, February 1, by 11:59 p.m. 2. Your response to two classmates' posts. Due Wednesday, February 2, by 11:59 p.m. NOTE: The Discussion Board closes at 11:59 p.m. CST on Wednesday, February 2, so you cannot make late submissions.

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Topical DB Three: Essay Two Discussion Board – Advertisement I have chosen the advertisement for Snickers for my next assignment and I have attached the advertisement along with the post. I have always been a fan of Snickers and thus I was naturally attracted towards the advertisement. Also, the advertisement was simple, yet attractive and Snickers is a brand that is known and purchased by almost everyone.